Hailey Dai's Daily Dose

Useful and amusing information about sex, sexual health, sexuality and all things sexy.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Silicone Cyclone

Guess what may be making a return to small chests everywhere? Silicone implants.
Though they've been banned for 13-years due to their tendency to rupture, the USA FDA is looking at bringing one company's version back to the market.

The company, Mentor, has apparently shown evidence that they don't often leak or rupture in the first few years and can last up to a decade.

My question is, what happens after that decade? I'm not so sure this is a good idea.

Read the story here, at cbc.ca.

And, only slightly related: here is a website set up by a woman who wanted people to donate money and pay for her boob job.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A Song to Make Love To

agreen, image via bmi.com originally uploaded by haileydai.

We all know that Al Green is the king of sultry songs. There have been many stories about people being conceived to his music. Maybe I'm just green when it comes to Al Green (amazing!) but there's one song that I've only recently discovered that I think would put even the prudish of prudes in the mood.

It's called Simply Beautiful, it's fantastic, and you should all listen to it as soon as possible. Preferably, have someone you like sleeping with in your immediate area at the time.

(Go here, to amazon.com, to hear a clip.)

Power to the Nurses!

Quebec has given their school nurses power to do more than just apply bandages and give out Advil; they can now prescribe birth control pills.

It's all in an effort to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies in the province. Quebec's rate of pregnancies in girls aged 15 - 19 is slightly higher than the national rate, and better access to birth control could remedy that.

The prescription from school nurses will be for three months, after which the young women will have to go to the doctor's for a check-up if they want refills.

In a story today in the Globe and Mail, Dr. Abby Lippman, co-chair of the Canadian Women's Health Network is quoted as saying:

"The more readily available you can make birth control for women and girls, the better off they will be. . . . It's unfortunate this policy doesn't exist across Canada."

Dr. Lippman, I second that emotion.

Read the story here.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Hegre Takes Hot Pictures

I had heard a lot about Petter Hegre before I actually saw any of the pictures he's taken. All I'll say is that I can very much understand why there's a buzz around this photographer and the gorgeous pictures he takes of women in various states of undress. Really, most of his pictures are taken of women in a complete stage of undress (read:nude).

His site requires registration for some content, but there's lots of stuff to browse through for free. Though it's fine art erotic nude photography, I'd say it's probably not safe for work. Unless you work at a nude photography studio.


Monday, April 25, 2005

Return of SpongeBob ContraceptivePants

The sponge is back!
Well, for the States at least. (It made it's Canadian return in 2003).

After a 10-year American hiatus (the FDA shut down the company that initially made it for some kind of contaminated water business), the contraceptive sponge is going to be back on the market. It's decent for avoiding pregnancy, but not so good for STI protection. Though, many women liked it because it was convenient and easy (use once and dispose).

If you're interested, you can learn more about the sponge here, at Planned Parenthood.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Hot hotdocs

If you're in the Toronto area and you like a good documentary film, no doubt you're going to check out the hotdocs film festival which starts today and runs until May 1.

Not only do they showcase incredible films from all over the world about anything and everything, they also have a group of films this year called Show Me Yours: Sex & Documentary.

Films include Getting Wood about male porn stars, Shine: Confessions of a Rubber Fetishist about, well, a rubber fetishist and Fe-male, a short film about what women would do if they had a penis for a day.

Can't wait!

Funny Bunny

Being a sex columnist, I occasionally get samples of new and exciting adult toys. One such item came to my door yesterday. It's by Doc Johnson and it's called the Internet Enabled High Joy Rabbit.

It's a magical little thing. Well, not so little, really.

If you're a member of the online dating community www.highjoy.com, you're able to plug this baby in and whoever you end up chatting to can manipulate the dildo's movements from their computer. If you have webcams set up, well... think of it!
Think of the new dimension this can add to a long-distance relationship!
It also takes online dating, flirting and cheating to a whole new level.

There's also an option to plug it in while watching certain porn films and receive "scripts" that recreate the on-screen action. Will wonders never cease?

For those of us on macs (it's only avail for Windows at the moment), the Rabbit can be used as a stand-alone non-computer controlled vibrator — just like the original.

Watch stores for it and go to www.docjohnson.com for more information.

The Rain in Spain...

falls mainly on people opposing the gay marriage bill that passed in Spanish parliament yesterday.

In my pre-post I said Spain had legalized gay marriage. I jumped the gun on that one. What happened is the parliament approved the Socialist government's bill (183 to 136), and it will now move on to the Senate, where it's expected receive final approval.

The bill will also make way for gay and lesbian couples to adopt. If all goes as planned, Spain will be the third country in Europe to legalize gay marriage (the first two being Belgium and The Netherlands).

Interesting also is how many Spaniards say they're Roman Catholic but fully admit to not being religious. Read the story from the Associated Press here, on phillyburbs.com.

It's Friday!

Sorry everyone, but last night Blogger was down and I couldn't post.
But, here's a glimpse at what you can expect later tonight:

- Hotdocs, the documentary festival in Toronto, ON, features a group of films on sex and sexuality called Show Me Yours. I'll give you more information.

- An internet-enabled Rabbit dildo arrived at my door yesterday. I'll try and explain this incredibly interesting new gizmo.

- Spain has legalized gay marriage! Factor in their seista nap-time and love of good food and you end up with what could be the smartest country ever.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Loose Lips Sink Ships

As if we don’t have enough things to be insecure about, now we have to worry about the flappiness of our labia. And people are worrying about it so much, they're getting labiaplasty. I'm not kidding - plastic surgery for the vagina. Or, "designer vaginas" as some people are calling it.

This surgery has been around for a while now, but I've been hearing more and more about it. Apparently, large labia can create pain or discomfort during intercourse, and that’s no good. But when I read things like the quote below from WeNews.com, I begin to worry about our priorities:

"I looked in like, those magazines, and saw that inner labia shouldn't stick out like mine did," said Crystal, who requested her last name be withheld. "So I had a labiaplasty and now I love the way I look; nice and neat and new. My vagina looks perfect."

Hot Links – Vol. 2

Here's another batch of eye candy you might enjoy. Not all of these sites are free; if you want to see it all, you’ll have to pay. And, of course, these are 18+ sites and not safe for work.

www.pinkgasm.com: A hot couple with pink hair that like sex with each other and want you to watch it. Includes pics, videos, blog and more.

www.seska.com: A lovely woman from Montreal who lives in a polyamorous relationship, fights for sex worker’s rights and shows the world all of herself on her website. Also, check out www.seska4lovers.com.

www.eroticandy.com: Is it porn? Is it art? Is it both? Whatever it is, it’s nice to look at. Lots of photos and links.

Sports are Gay

There are some conflicting opinions coming out of a recent survey by Penn, Schoen, Berland & Associates for Sports Illustrated about gay and lesbian athletes.

After talking to almost 1000 people, it seems that while 86% are fine with an openly gay male athlete, 68% feel it would hurt an athlete’s career to be openly gay. Also:
• 65% feel that society is more accepting of gay and lesbian athletes in non-contact sports (golf, tennis, etc.)
• 44% felt that it’s a sin to engage in homosexual behaviours
• 41% said they’d be less proud of an Olympic gold-medal winner if they were openly gay or lesbian

It’s an interesting (if not upsetting) study, and one that illustrates we still have a VERY long way to go as a culture.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Pope Culture

New Pope Joy, via cnn.com, originally uploaded by haileydai.

So, there's a new pope. His papal name is Benedict the 16th, though his real name is Joseph Ratzinger. I'm no expert on Roman Catholicism, but here's what I found on CNN.com about the new pontiff:

"As a young priest he was on the progressive side of theological debates but shifted to the right after the student revolutions of 1968.

In the Vatican, he has been the driving force behind crackdowns on liberation theology, religious pluralism, and challenges to traditional teachings on issues such as homosexuality, and dissent on other issues like the ordination of women."

For anyone hoping for a progressive Pope, it doesn't look good.

There will likely be days of exhaustive media coverage of this whole business, maybe even more debate about the colour of the smoke. Either way, there will be more info to come.

Chicken or the Egg? Snoring or Sex-deprived?

Okay, so they've done a study that links snoring to a lack of sex. But what I'm not sure of is which is the cause and which is the effect?

Is it that people who snore have less sex? Or, is it that people who have less sex end up snoring?

I'm not the research scientist on this one, so your guess is as good as mine. And really, there are way too many people in my family who snore to really go too close to this one. You be the judge and read the story here.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Porn Has Heart

Well, at least the agent of a deceased porn star does.
Canadian adult performer Taylor Summers (or Sumers, I've seen it both ways) raised money for The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto before she was killed last year, and her agent wants her to continue the fundraising after death.

All profits from Lesbian Lover, the last film Summers made, are hoped to be chanelled to the hospital. Her agent would even like a line on the film's box to read something like: "All proceeds to go to the Hospital for Sick Children."

A spokesperson for the hospital was not aware of the potential donation, but said an ethics committee would have to review the donation before it was accepted.

Murdered Porn Star + Lesbian Porn Flick = Donation to Children's Hospital? Not the most common scenario, but one that brings up a lot of interesting questions.

Though, I don't know about mentioning the hospital on the box — there's something about that that just doesn't jive.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Your Trash, My Treasure

dfcover, from dirtyfound.com, originally uploaded by haileydai.

Foundmagazine.com is kind of like Winners — you should go. It’s a great and often hilarious collection of random things people find all over the place and send in: photos, notes, drawings, etc. Beyond the website, they publish magazines filled with their treasures as well.

And now, much to my glee and excitement, they have a dirty version. Well, Dirty Found has been out for a while now, but to be honest with you, I forgot about it. Also didn’t have a blog back then. Dirty Found is a collection of all the naughty and saucy things people have found and sent in: complete with nude bits (but also across-the-eye-bars).

You can find info on their website and, of course, Dirty Found is available at the most wonderful comeasyouare.com.

HD Studio Presents: “I’ve Got the Right Number, But It’s Wrong”

(A one-act play based on recent events in New Brunswick.)

Cast of Characters:
UNC — Unassuming New Brunswick Citizen Desirous of Boating Safety Information
PRP — Pre- Recorded Phone-Sex Line Voice

Act One (and only).
UNC: dialing
PRP: Hello.
UNC: Hi there! I have a boat and…
PRP: Thanks for calling 1-900-WETN’RDY.
UNC: My boat’s not in the water yet, but I’m concerned about…
PRP: Are you ready to experience extreme pleasure?
UNC: Well, it’s more a question of my boat’s hull and…
PRP: We’ve got lots of girls ready and waiting to talk to you.
UNC: Okay. Er, only girls? Not that I mind, that’s just a little…
PRP: If you’re ready to talk to our WETN’RDY girls please…
UNC: Wait a sec…
PRP: …enter your credit card number now. We accept Visa…
UNC: Oh. I think I’ve got the wrong…
PRP: …Mastercard and American Express. Please enter your number now.
UNC: Oh geez. click


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Anti-Porn Activist Dead at 58

Andrea Dworkin, photo by Murdo MacLeod, originally uploaded by haileydai.

Andrea Dworkin is dead. She passed away on April 9, 2005. Dworkin was one of the most outspoken anti-porn feminist crusaders of recent history — of all history, really — even going so far as to attempt to pass legislation that bans all pornography, everywhere, forever. She also felt that penetration of a woman by a man was an act of violence and subordination in and of itself.

As someone who feels more inline with the anti-censorship feminists, I’m not a big fan of some of Dworkin’s ideas. That said, I will acknowledge that she did a great deal to bring issues of violence and discrimination against women into the spotlight. Perhaps she targeted the wrong places at times, but she did get a lot of people thinking, and that’s never a bad thing.

She was a fascinating woman. Read stories about her and her passing here, here, here and here.

"Can You Hold Please?" No.

I don’t care who it could be or what they might have to say: you do not interrupt sex to answer your cell phone. That is bad form on so many levels I can’t even begin to discuss it, but apparently 1 in 7 people in the US admitted they’ve done it. It’s not only rude, it shows a very strange way of prioritizing things.

I suppose there are exceptions to every rule, and here are the only exceptions I can think of for answering your cell phone during sex:
1) You are needed to avert war (as part of your job or otherwise).
2) You are needed to save someone’s life (as part of your job or otherwise).
3) You are needed at the presence of a birth (as part of your job or otherwise).

Other than these instances, TURN THE CELL PHONE OFF. Don’t even put it on vibrate. You turn it off at dinner (I hope), so you’ll turn it off during sex. Nothing to discuss.

Read the story at the New York Daily News (via gawker.com).

Suggestive Comic Book Covers

This is a little silly and a little fun. Some guy found some old comic book covers that are mildly suggestive. Check it out: http://maddox.xmission.com/c.cgi?u=uscc_part1

(via www.screenhead.com)

Monday, April 11, 2005

A Note about the Fonts on this Blog

Dear Readers,

I know my fonts are all nutty and doing very crazy things.
I'm trying to fix it, so bear with me.


A Golden Arm of a Different Kind

man_with_the_golden_arm, originally uploaded by haileydai.

In the Sinatra movie, the golden arm referred to a heroin addict. In this post, it refers to a man who grew a penis on his arm.

Well, not quite. Sergei, 28, was born with a micropenis: it was two-inches when erect, and he was thus unable to have sex. So, in a ground-breaking new surgery,
Professor Mikhail Sokolshchik of the National Medical Surgical Centre in Moscow, removed Sergei's micropenis, attached the tip (where all the nerve endings are) to his arm to keep the tissue alive, then attached a synthetic penis shaft and used skin from Sergei's arm to encompass his new penis. New penis and old tip were then reattached. More skin grafts to his arm help to diminish scarring.

If any men are still reading after that description, you might be happy to know that Sergei will likely be able to enjoy sex now (though he can never maintain a full erection and is in a constant state of having a semi) and hopefully even father children.

This is an amazing surgery — it took eleven hours straight — is one that could change everything for the one in 200 men who are born with a micropenis. And that is a very very nice thing.

There's a story about the procedure from the
Telegraph here.

The Nature of Desire: An Indian Art Exhibit

Krishna art, via www.exoticindiaart.com, originally uploaded by haileydai.

I have been reading a non-fiction book called Holy Cow by Sarah MacDonald, an Australian woman who went to live in India for a while with her husband, who was stationed there by the Australian Broadcasting Company. It's a really fascinating book, and what really strikes me is Indian culture's attitudes towards sexuality. I'm hardly an expert, but it seems at once to be a country that is both very sensual and very sexually conservative.

So, when I saw there is an exhibit happening in New York called "Edge of Desire: Recent Art in India" I wondered if it might shed some light on Indian sexuality. This article by New York Daily News' resident sex and romance writer, Dr. Judy Kuriansky, about the show and the nature of desire itself was interesting. Especially this quote from her closing paragraph:

“The word “desire” itself is an educational message, in my view. Desire can be a motivator, to make you strive for success, partnership, or any goal. But there is a downside: wanting and striving often keeps the very thing you yearn for out of reach, but as soon as you stop grasping, it can fall into your lap. Similarly, desperation for love drives others away, while security within oneself draws them to you.”

If you happen to be in New York, check it out.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Hetero Kissing Contest: Homophobic or Not?

Rainbow, originally uploaded by haileydai.

When I saw the picture and read the head of this story by Demond Reid of The Shorthorn, I thought “Cute! A kissing contest!” And then I read the whole story. Turns out it’s a heterosexual kissing contest — called the Celebration of Heterosexuality Kissing Contest — at the University of Texas at Arlington. I was disturbed.

The event’s organizers claim it wasn’t a homophobic activity, but rather a celebration of sexuality, period. To quote Kat Miller, the College Republicans President: “How can homosexuals expect Americans to accept homosexuality, when we don’t accept sexuality?” Okay, I see where she’s going there, kind of. Important to add though that she said this while wearing a pink shirt that read “Straight N’ Proud”, and, across campus the University Democrats, Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance and the Gay, Lesbian and Everybody Else Organization were staging a counter-event called “Celebration of Human Pride”.

Also, last time I checked, heterosexuality didn’t represent all of sexuality, as this event seems to suggest. Sexuality is made up of many colours, and hetero is not the only shade.

"Will We Touch the Baby's Head?"

This is a very informative article about sex during pregnancy that I came across on Yahoo News (from Kidshealth.org). If you’ve ever wondered if it’s safe to keep lovin’ with a bun in the oven, read this. Also speak to your doctor - it's a case-specific kind of a thing.

And, no, you won’t touch the baby’s head.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Celebrity Wednesday - Post #2

Laughing Julia, via Guardian Newspapers Limited, originally uploaded by haileydai.

I feel like Julia Roberts can't get a break these days. I don't know what it is, I just feel like people are being hard on her. She put her newborn twins on the cover a magazine. Okay, fine. Whatever. But now The Mercury of South Africa is reporting that her husband's brother-in-law is a distributor of porn in California and Florida, and claiming that Roberts is very upset about it.

But, and this is a big but, what was The Mercury's source? The National Enquirer.

I think that's probably enough said.

So, really, there's likely no story here.
Right. Um...

But look at that picture of her! Look at her laughing.
(She's got cavities!)

Celebrity Wednesday - Post #1

Rufus Wainwright, via hiponline.com originally uploaded by haileydai.

I don't mean to be coming up with these thematic post days. It just happens.
Today, I stumbled across this article on femalefirst.co.uk about one of my favourite Canadian sons: Rufus Wainwright. He's a supremely talented musician and he's also gay.
In this short (but sweet?) piece, he discusses the part homophobia played in his self-destructive behaviours of the past: namely, excessive drug use and poor self image.

He even talks about thoughts of a plot to hide his homosexuality at the beginning of his career so that women would be more inclined to love him. Well, he didn't hide it, but that doesn't stop me from thinking he's downright dreamy. Plan or not, I think he's well-loved by the ladies. Rock on Rufus!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Secretive Tuesday - Post #2

Married men have secrets. Don’t act surprised — you knew that. But just what are those secrets? Where to find the best online porn? How to hide your affairs from that pesky wife of yours? No. More like: how do you keep a marriage happy and stable? At least, that’s the aim of the secrets on www.secretsofmarriedmen.com.

The site was created by Dr.Scott Halzman, who specializes in couples’ and marriage therapy. It’s a fascinating place for husbands (and wives) to go and share their experiences and advice to other husbands. The collected information will eventually become a book called The Secrets of Happily Married Men, due for publication in January 2006 (and available for pre-order on Amazon).

Here are some excellent tidbits to get you started on your way to marital bliss:

“A simple message in your own handwriting has as much power as a book. I really think so. I left a sticky pad on my wife's mirror before going on a business trip, 'I love you, your eyes were as blue as crystals on the day I first met you, blah blah blah.' Anyway, she loved it.” (Antonio, age 25, married 3 years)

“ Very early in our marriage we posted a piece of wisdom that has helped us through good times and bad. It read, "Marriage is like running a farm, you have to start all over every day." It takes work to have a good marriage and lots of it!” (Saul, 66, married 41 years)

“ So, the three things that have kept this marriage together are communication, prayer, and sex.” (Marvin, 54, married 32 years)

Read a story by Hara Estroff Romano about Secrets of Married Men in Psychology Today.

Secretive Tuesday - Post #1

It’s secretive Tuesday today, so I have two secret-themed posts.

First bundle of secrets? Five things women secretly want in bed, according to Vanessa Burton of askmen.com. I don’t really know if these things are secrets, but I guess that if you’re aiming to please a woman, they maybe aren’t the first things you think of. You should though, oh yes, you should. They were collected from Burton’s conversations with many women she’s encountered — these five being the desires she heard most often. Who am I to argue? They all sound good to me.

Here’s a run down of the five for the women-pleasers among you:

1) Women would like more focus on more parts of their body with more parts of your body. Lovely.
2) Women would like to give you more head. (Really?) But what they’d like in return is more noise from you – more groans of pleasure, more verbal praise and, of course, more head from you. Can’t get something for nothing.
3) Women would like to be treated a little nastily. Be a little naughty and let her feel a little slutty.
4) Women would like you to talk dirtier. Use your curse words, and be hot about it.
5) Women would like you to be a little more aggressive. Nothing cruel or unusual; just a little more force. Let her know you want her, need her and plan to take her — no ifs ands or buts about it.

A note: Not all women desire all of these things. So, if you’re going to take any of these approaches, take it easy.

To read the complete story, go to http://www.askmen.com/love/vanessa_60/90_love_secrets.html.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Less Words, More Pictures!

Some people — namely my most fabulous partner, who is clearly a visual person — have told me that I need more pictures on my blog! It's true. Too many words, not enough pretty stuff to look at.

Gotta tell you though, there aren't lots of amazing pictures to go with a post about microbicides (the topical vaginal cream that prevents the spread of HIV), so I'm going to come up with some really fancy and pretty pictures that will serve as visual cues when I don't have a pretty picture of something relevant. They'll tell you what that post is about without actually having to read it! Amazing. A picture of a stack of DVDs and VHS tapes? It's clearly about a movie of some kind. Picture of a mouse & keyboard? Ah, that must be a link.

Watch for them coming soon to a post near you.

ps - They might get tiresome after a while, so take your own category pictures and send them to me - I will use them! Categories include (but not limited to): health, sexuality, news, books, gossip, politics, toys, etc.

Treasure MAPs

Speaking of the morning-after pill (MAP), all of Canada will soon be able to pick one up over the counter, sans prescription.

Read up on how use of the pill increased in BC when it was made available without a prescription here, on CBC. And read a Globe & Mail story about the coming changes here.

If we look at BC as an example, yes, the use of the morning-after pill will increase, but it likely will prevent a number of abortions and unwanted pregnancies.

Where this leap forward begins to look like more of a hop: pharmacists will be required to have a sit-down chat with anyone asking for the MAP over the counter. That might not only be awkward for a woman on the verge of a panic attack (I might be PREGNANT!!??!?!), it might also be awkward for a pharmacist whose job it is to dispense drugs, not serve as a counsellor. "More pharming, less counselling," they might say. But only time will tell.

Though it may run into some snags along the way, our little hop forward is still leaps and bounds ahead of the choices available to women in some neighbouring countries.

*Note: Thanks to reader Craig for the reminder!

Stop Being A Pill and Fill My Prescription Already

More developments on the pharmacists-against-birth-control debacle.

The group responsible for denying women birth control and morning-after pills is called Pharmacists for Life International, and they morally object to birth control, so they refuse to dispense it.

Jabari Asim, a columnist with the Washington Post sums it up nicely:
"Will female air travelers who carry contraceptives on board eventually be required to carry parachutes, just in case a pilot's conscience finds their presence objectionable? If your personal beliefs hinder your ability to do your job, it may be prudent to look into another line of work. "

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Check out another story on the issue in the Seattle Times via the Washington Post:

Also, read about the Governor of Illinois ordering pharmacists to dispense what the women ask for, via the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/02/national/02pharmacy.html