Hailey Dai's Daily Dose

Useful and amusing information about sex, sexual health, sexuality and all things sexy.

Friday, April 22, 2005

The Rain in Spain...

falls mainly on people opposing the gay marriage bill that passed in Spanish parliament yesterday.

In my pre-post I said Spain had legalized gay marriage. I jumped the gun on that one. What happened is the parliament approved the Socialist government's bill (183 to 136), and it will now move on to the Senate, where it's expected receive final approval.

The bill will also make way for gay and lesbian couples to adopt. If all goes as planned, Spain will be the third country in Europe to legalize gay marriage (the first two being Belgium and The Netherlands).

Interesting also is how many Spaniards say they're Roman Catholic but fully admit to not being religious. Read the story from the Associated Press here, on phillyburbs.com.


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