No More!

This isn't really sex-related, but what the hell. It's my blog and I can say what I want. This is really about celebrities, and they have sex (most of them) so, there's a link there.
Here's my beef: the combo-names. First there was Bennifer. Then another Bennifer. Then Brangelina. And now, today, I read Vinceifer. VINCEIFER.
It's too much.
It was cute at first, but Vinceifer takes it too far.
And, god help us all if there is ever a celebrity couple that everyone obsesses about and their names are Ann and Ben. Then what? Then what are you gonna do combo-namers?! *End Rant*
Also, I know everyone is talking about how much sex there is on TV now relative to 1992 or whenever and how that's probably indiciative of a complete societal meltdown.
It's just the motion of the ocean folks, no need to panic. Sex on TV ebbs and sex on TV flows. Currently, yes, it's flowing. But, if we should be worried about anything on TV I'd suggest it would be anything that makes violence look glamorous.
But hey, that's just me.
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