Hailey Dai's Daily Dose

Useful and amusing information about sex, sexual health, sexuality and all things sexy.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Less Words, More Pictures!

Some people — namely my most fabulous partner, who is clearly a visual person — have told me that I need more pictures on my blog! It's true. Too many words, not enough pretty stuff to look at.

Gotta tell you though, there aren't lots of amazing pictures to go with a post about microbicides (the topical vaginal cream that prevents the spread of HIV), so I'm going to come up with some really fancy and pretty pictures that will serve as visual cues when I don't have a pretty picture of something relevant. They'll tell you what that post is about without actually having to read it! Amazing. A picture of a stack of DVDs and VHS tapes? It's clearly about a movie of some kind. Picture of a mouse & keyboard? Ah, that must be a link.

Watch for them coming soon to a post near you.

ps - They might get tiresome after a while, so take your own category pictures and send them to me - I will use them! Categories include (but not limited to): health, sexuality, news, books, gossip, politics, toys, etc.


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