Is Porn Addictive?

Um fusca chamado desejo, originally uploaded by neem.
I think that the short answer is yes. But, and this is a HUGE but, everything can be addictive to the right personality at the right time (or wrong personality at the wrong time). People get addicted to all kinds of things all the time.
This isn't to say that porn doesn't become a problem for some people - sure it does. But for someone who has an addictive personality, or is compulsively rolling dice, Yahtzee could become a problem. Yahtzee, however, is rarely questioned on a moral level, so they don't do studies all about whether or not Yahtzee is addictive and what should be done about it. Porn is often questioned on a moral level, so we can expect lots of chats and studies about its addictiveness (or lackthereof) in the future — just like the one mentioned in this article from WebMD.
If someone can determine that porn is indeed addictive, and that after prolonged exposure it does eat through your brain much like cocaine does (some are indeed claiming this), then certain groups have the grounds to ban it.
What about people who are addicted to finding ways to try and ban pornography?