Kinsey Does Japan, Brings Genitals

Kinsey Film Poster, originally uploaded by haileydai.
(Hi everyone! Life is still a bit crazy, but I knew I had to get back in the saddle. Sorry for the delay. - HD)
The big news from Japan is that for the first time EVER, genitals are going to be shown on the silver screen - thanks to the film Kinsey.
Usually any shots of pubic hair and genitals are covered by that infuriating mosiac business, but this time it'll be the full monty. Why the change of heart?
"There's nothing dirty about the scene where the genitalia are displayed. In fact, I thought it showed how serious an academic Kinsey was. This movie does not just show Kinsey's life, it also has the added value of sparking discussion about modern sexuality. There aren't too many academics like Kinsey nowadays. And, no matter how open we've become about sexuality, there are still many areas that remain taboo," Japan's foremost sexologist Kim Myung Gan tells Shukan Post. "There's a chance that showing this movie without a mosaic may deepen discussion about sex education. Hopefully, this movie could establish a precedent for how sexuality is depicted."
I hope that's truly the case. The more you know...
Read the story from Mainichi Daily News here.
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