Britney's Baby-Bump Blues

Everybody has to get a piece of Britney's business! You know that when a complete stranger sends out a press release about your pregnancy that you're as close to public property as you're ever going to get.
I have a love/hate relationship with things like this. On the one hand, I'm enthralled and pleased by celebrity gossip. On the other hand, I find our culture of celeb idolatry more than a little sad and misguided. But, as I don't live in a vacuum, I can't help but get caught up in it from time to time. So, when I read about this press release, I couldn't help but laugh. And then cry for a bit.
A physician from Manhattan — Holly Phillips — sent out a press release today all about Britney's pregnancy and what she should and should not be doing to keep her unborn child safe and healthy. I guess she thinks that she's gleaned enough information from Brit's TV show and other sources (like this photograph probably, which clearly shows poor lifestyle choices, or at least poor outfit choices) to know that Britney's not taking care of her bump.
Phillips advises Britney to get away from Kevin's second-hand smoke, stop eating junk food, and potentially lay off the sex if she is indeed experiencing mid-term spotting.
The response from Britney's publicist?
"This doctor should mind her own business, shut her trap and get a life."
Ah, the glamour of Hollywood!
Read the story from New York Daily News here.
(Image was lifted from the most harshly hilarious
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