My Fabulous Gay Wedding Bill C-38

2 Grooms and 2 Brides, originally uploaded by haileydai via
I hope that everyone had a safe and happy pride weekend!
It's only fitting that the gay marriage bill be coming down to the wire right about now, and it's looking like bill C-38 is going to pass before the long weekend comes.
The Liberals (most of 'em), NDP and the Bloc Quebecois are all in it together, and Peter Mackay, Deputy Leader of the Conservative opposition, made a statement today to the effect of: the bill can't lose. There's almost no point in us trying to stop it.
There's been a lot of bitching back and forth about issues around the bill. Stephen Harper is being his usual charming self and pitting federalists against seperatists, people of Quebec against everyone else in Canada, and the church against the state.
The most shocking quote I've read of late, however, came from Conservative MP Ken Epp:
"Blacks in the United States never asked to be called white. They just wanted the same rights." Epp then went on to say that women in Canada sought equal rights without demanding to be called men. "And so I ask the question in this struggle for so-called equality for same-sex couple, why do they want to use the word that describes heterosexual marriage and has for millennia?" (via, emphasis mine)
I can't figure out if he's implying that gay people want to be straight or that this whole issue is really about semantics. Either way, he's a complete boob.
I'm going to be watching the government closely over the next few days... let's hope that this Canada Day weekend, we can celebrate in a country where gay marriage is legal from coast to coast.
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