A Sprinkling of Good Advice

Spectacularx180, originally uploaded by haileydai.
The one and the only Annie Sprinkle released a new book in May. A copy is on its way to me so that I can read and evaluate it fairly, but I know already that it's going to be wonderful and insightful.
Annie is such a unique and fantastic figure in the world of sexuality, you can't help but love her. She also happens to be a performance artist, and one of the performances that I recall involved inviting strangers to peer into her vagina. It's the 2fer of sexuality-based performance art: it's funny and political at the same time!
Maybe performance art isn't your thing - I understand. It's not the 'thing' for many. But, you should visit her site anyway and have a look around. You'll laugh, you'll cry and you'll probably learn a thing or two.
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