How Virginity and Chihuahuas are Similar

Virginity and chihuahuas are kind of similar, but maybe only in Hollywood. One day they're in, the next day they're out; then they're kind of in and out at the same time... And then Jessica's like "I had mine till I was married", then Paris is all like "I traded mine in for a smaller one" and then Britney's like "I had one and now I have the other!" Hoorah!
So, now we have this movie staring the most hilarious Steve Carrell all about being a 40-year-old virgin. (And recently there have been rumours floating around that Gary Coleman may be just that, but not in the context of a fictional movie...). Supposedly the movie is very funny (though, this reviewer likens it to the American Pie movies, which just got so bad after the first one that I couldn't watch the rest of them) and I'm looking forward to seeing it. But I'm always wary of constantly pairing the concept of virginity with naivete. Some virgins are certainly naive, but some aren't, and they have their reasons for staying virgins (which, I might add, doesn't always mean chaste).
But, what sounds really nice about this movie, is that they don't ostracize him or mock him because he's a virgin (which could easily be the case in a movie like this), rather, they try to help him lose it. Which is nice. Because, virginity is fine for some people, but let's face it, having sex is pretty great too.
It's enough to make you feel all warm and fuzzy - just like a chihuahua.
Read a review here, from Star Tribune.
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