Whoa Babies!

36 weeks bump, originally uploaded by IanL.
Having a baby can be a very nice thing, especially if you want one and you're not still in highschool...
A highschool in Ohio is reporting that 65 of its 490 female students are expecting. That's about 13%, and it's also insane.
This Canton Repository op-ed outlines some of the details and states ambiguously that "the irresponsible should get blame". Never goes so far to outline who the irresponsible are.
One sentence in the story got my back up a bit: "Teen moms will, in time, almost surely fill this lethargic parenting description, their pregnancies evidence of faulty priorities."
Faulty priorities? Interesting. I'd have thought that maybe their pregnancies could have been evidence of the faulty priorities of someone else all together.
Well, everything aside, I hope all of the babies are happy and healthy and grow up with a lot of opportunities and a lot of comprehensive sex education.
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