Hailey Dai's Daily Dose

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Tragedy & Comedy; Just Another Pornographic Opera

Spoiler alert! If any of you plan on going to Russia to see the opera Rosenthal’s Children, this CNN article tells you how it ends!! You’ve been warned.

What’s going on in Russia? You stage an opera about five of the most beloved composers in history — Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Wagner, Mussorgsky and Verdi — being cloned in the 1990s, pan-handling on the street and sleeping with prostitutes, and everyone goes nuts!

Amid concerns that Russia is returning to “Soviet-era” censorship, various groups and members of parliament are opposing this opera, claiming it’s vulgar and pornographic. Nevermind that the music is supposedly incredible and it’s the first operatic world-premiere at the Bolshoi Theater in almost thirty years.

Some have their knickers in a knot over the idea that public funds have been used depict musical geniuses fraternizing with prostitutes, and even Russian President Vladimir Putin has condemned the Bolshoi for staging the opera. MPs in parliament recently voted 226 to 12 to launch an inquiry. Though, they say this isn’t a form of censorship, because, well, if it doesn’t work out, they could always perform the opera somewhere else….

Read more about the scandal here: http://www.russianlondon.com/uknews/culture/23680/


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