When You're in a Big Jam

Blackberry & Fig, originally uploaded by Saffron.
If you're ever in a jam — meaning, you think you may have given someone an STD/STI — there are now some handy anonymous e-cards that can help you share the bad news.
Inspot.org is based out of San Francisco, and they've come up with six different e-cards you can send to anyone you worry you may have infected. Catchy lines like "I got screwed while screwing, you might have too" and "You're too hot to be out of action" should get the recipient's attention. But, take note: people are more likely to take you seriously if you tell them personally.
Inspot.org says that if you find out you've got an unwelcome infection, you should notify anyone you've had sex with in the past six months. And yes, oral sex is considered "sex" in this case.
Also on the site: info on the various STDs/STIs and lots of links to sexual health resources.
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