Hailey Dai's Daily Dose

Useful and amusing information about sex, sexual health, sexuality and all things sexy.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Don't Gay and Drive

In Sicily earlier this week, a 23-year-old man had his driving licence suspended because he's gay. The road licence authorities discovered he'd avoided military service due to his homosexuality and suspended his licence, planning on doing some checks to determine his "suitability" to drive.

So, he's sued the authorities, asking for 500,000 euros for his trouble.

A Sicillian court was not very happy with the whole thing, and a statement of the obvious they released yesterday said:

"It is clear that sexual preferences do not in any way influence a person's ability to drive motor cars safely.

As promising as that sounds, they followed it by stating that
homosexuality "cannot be considered a true and proper psychiatric illness, being a mere personality disturbance."

So close Sicilian court... so close.

Read the story here, on Stuff.co.nz.


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