Vagina Teeth Available Soon

Fish Teef, originally uploaded by Jan Tik.
You didn't read that wrong, though you may wish you had.
A woman in South Africa has come up with a device that's meant to deter rape: it's inserted like a tampon and lodges tiny hooks into any penis it encounters. The offender requires surgery to remove the thing.
It's incredibly sad that this is what we have come to, but beyond that, there are a number of problems that seem immediate when you read about this device. The biggest concern is whether or not a rapist might hurt/kill/maim anyone who attaches one of these devices to him. And the thought of a woman wearing it around all day — just in case — is also troubling. And, by the time the penetration has happened, the rape has too. So, it'll be effective too late, in that sense.
As this article on IOL: South Africa suggests, time, energy and money might be better spent on preventing rape in the first place.
One excellent thing about this device? It can prevent the spread of AIDS, other STIs and pregnancy.
Read more about the vagina teeth here.
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