Sex Bomb? Sex Bomb? Not a Sex Bomb.
I think this might be a sex-doll owner’s worst nightmare.
Someone in Germany ordered a sex doll and when it arrived, he realized it was in some way deficient. But that’s not the “worst nightmare” part, thought I suppose if he had been anticipating said doll for a number of weeks, it could be very disappointing.
He then packed his doll back up, intent on returning it to the manufacturer. However, he forgot to remove two rather important things from the toy: the batteries.
So, when the package started to whir and hum and whatever else in the middle of the post office, all of the postal workers freaked right out, because they thought it could be a bomb.
The poor man got a visit from the authorities and everything was cleared up, but now his embarrassing story is all over the world.
The guy just wanted some (plastic) loving – is that so wrong?
At least his name is withheld.
Someone in Germany ordered a sex doll and when it arrived, he realized it was in some way deficient. But that’s not the “worst nightmare” part, thought I suppose if he had been anticipating said doll for a number of weeks, it could be very disappointing.
He then packed his doll back up, intent on returning it to the manufacturer. However, he forgot to remove two rather important things from the toy: the batteries.
So, when the package started to whir and hum and whatever else in the middle of the post office, all of the postal workers freaked right out, because they thought it could be a bomb.
The poor man got a visit from the authorities and everything was cleared up, but now his embarrassing story is all over the world.
The guy just wanted some (plastic) loving – is that so wrong?
At least his name is withheld.
At 2:10 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
you might know about this already, but I saw it on a T-shirt on some girl on muchmusic and looked it up. Interesting project.
NOT all about abstinence.
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