Savage Love on savage loving
You may remember a couple of weeks ago when that super-HIV strain popped up in New York City. Since then there’s been heaps of debate about HIV and crystal meth and sexual irresponsibility etc., etc., etc.
Dan Savage suggested in his column last week that those who knowingly infect others with HIV (a horrible and sick thing to do if you ask me) should pay, not only for their own meds, but also help pay for the meds of everyone they infect. His thought was that financial incentives to practice safer sex may be more effective than a legal ones (here in Canada it’s currently a felon to knowingly infect someone else — you may have heard about that man who was charged with first-degree murder last week after two women he infected passed away). This week, Dan has published a bunch of letters both applauding and reprimanding him. And then he goes ahead and applauds and reprimands them right back.
Dan Savage suggested in his column last week that those who knowingly infect others with HIV (a horrible and sick thing to do if you ask me) should pay, not only for their own meds, but also help pay for the meds of everyone they infect. His thought was that financial incentives to practice safer sex may be more effective than a legal ones (here in Canada it’s currently a felon to knowingly infect someone else — you may have heard about that man who was charged with first-degree murder last week after two women he infected passed away). This week, Dan has published a bunch of letters both applauding and reprimanding him. And then he goes ahead and applauds and reprimands them right back.
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